
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lavatory Levity

IMG_6077 bathroom decoration

You've seen the lobby florals of AIFD's 2011 Symposium, now you will see how the restroom decorations during the gala night gave new meaning to nature's call. This post is a bit out of sequence, but I had the urge to write this now. 

Michelle Perry White, AIFD was the designer responsible for all the decor on the final night of the convention. Michelle tapped Susan Standerfer, AIFD and  Susie Overton Ayala as the team to decorate the restrooms. They did a magnificent job interpreting the night's theme: Flourish! 

They used mechanics that I always hesitated to use because I had no idea if they would be fool proof. Originally designed to stick on car windows for flower parades, the team chose Oasis suction cup holders to decorate the mirrors.

IMG_6066 suction cup holder for bathroom mirror decoration

 My new best friend Robert, learned that they proved to be easy to install...

IMG_6067 installing bathroom decorations

...and failsafe...

IMG_6072 bathroom mirrror decoration

...with gorgeous results.

IMG_6088 restroom decoration

The team went above the call of duty to beautify the otherwise stark room.

IMG_6083 bathroom decoration

Every stall was decorated with a wreath.

IMG_6085 ladies' room stall decoration

When it came to decorating the sinks, they left no stone unturned...

IMG_6081 bathroom decoration a rich, succulent look...

IMG_6078 bathroom sink decoration

...with a nod to the night's theme.

IMG_6092 Flourish river rock

As magnificent as the ladies' room looked, everyone was abuzz over the men's room. They outdid themselves in here...

IMG_6086 Men's room decoration

...with florals flush against the wall. 

IMG_6087 Men's room decoration

I will refrain from making reference to the orbs hanging about the room. 

If you read this post looking for real humor, I suggest you click here where Anderson Cooper looses all decorum when he shares over twenty bathroom puns in four minutes.