
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

At Last

Other than the clock striking noon, when Barack Obama officially became the President of the United States, this was my favorite moment of inauguration day:

It was all perfect: The song, Beyonce, Michelle's dress, Barack in white tie, The First Couple gazing into each other's eyes...

Did it look like Barack was saying “How about that?” to Michelle? Is it considered eavesdropping when you read someone’s lips when they are dancing? I hope not.

Photo lifted from here.


  1. oh...dear Dutchbaby and can you believe, i'm still teary watching this image again and again!

    there is so much love in it...

  2. I hope it's not considered eaves dropping... I hope not. ; )

    Weren't they beautiful. ; )

    So glad to "see" you here.

  3. They're the most public couple in the world, they know we're listening and watching. How cool that they really do seem to love each other. You can't fake that.

  4. Happy beyond words over here in Europe - we've been celebrating with friends from around the world...
    Don't they just look so good together; apparently, it was Michelle's 45th birthday a few days ago - what a wonderful way to celebrate, n'est-ce pas..?!
    Hope you have a great week..:)

  5. It was a beautiful and organic moment. No orchestration whatsoever.

    Greetings from London.

  6. It's a wonderful thing to see a couple very much in love and appreciating each other - and their great good fortune! And didn't Michelle look gorgeous in that dress??!! I'm SO HAPPY they're our first family. And my French friends even watched the coverage and commented on the clothes, Aretha's hat (they liked it) and the joy they share with us about President Obama.

  7. Dear Lala,
    I can believe it; it was truly moving.

    Dear Christina,
    I hope not either, because I am not an eavesdropper.
    Welcome to dutchbaby!

    Dear Ruth,
    I had the same thoughts; they are definitely public figures.

    It truly is heartwarming to see them together.

    Dear Here, There,
    Thank you for your sentiments. I look forward to repairing our image worldwide.

    Dear Cuban,
    Organic moment - a perfect way to describe this moment. I was spellbound!

    Dear Tara,
    Yes, Michelle looked great; white is a great color for her. She would look good in a burlap sack of course. I appreciate that she chose a young Asian designer.

    I'm glad your stylish French friends liked Aretha's hat. The press gave her a hard time here, but I thought it was great! It looked great on her, it was in good proportion with the rest of the outfit and appropriate for the scale of the occasion.
