
Monday, March 9, 2009

Bouquets to Art 2008

Overall I felt the floral artists who participated in the 2008 Bouquets to Art exhibit at the De Young Museum stepped it up another notch over the 2007 entries. See if you agree.

I don’t know what the artist named the above creation, but I call it "Primitive Explosion". I find this to be a very dynamic expression of the primitive art it is interpreting. It not only repeats the color palette and structure of the artifacts, but it extends it. It looks like the flowers are thrusting forward from within like a spontaneous floral big bang explosion. It was a fantastic greeting into the hall.

One could almost believe that the painting below would have revealed the calla lilies had the canvas only been big enough or had the artist, Robert Motherwell (1915-1991), only stepped back a few yards. I like how the floral artist was able to start with an achromatic, abstract painting and complement it with color and organic elements. The addition of the ostrich egg, added in a yin yang fashion, was inspired.

The first time I saw colored floral foam offered at the flower mart, I didn’t think I could ever think of a way to use it without it looking cheesy. I am proven wrong, again; this is a great way to use color floral foam.

I found this amazing grouping of steel-grass-clad vases to be the perfect accompaniment to the soft sepia photographs in this room.

I can't explain why Michael Daigian Design's calla lilies with flax leaves work so well, maybe it's the contrast of the geometric versus the classic. Maybe it's the way the calla lily heads peak out, craning their necks, hoping to see the princess on her throne.

This floral arrangement is not necessarily the most artful, but you have to give the floral artist credit for finding a wig that so closely matches Queen Elizabeth’s hair that I fear that she is walking around in a skull cap right now.

The flower petals suspended in gel were a great means to represent the splatter in Sam Francis’ (1923-1994) painting. (Unfortunately I came later in the week and the gel yellowed already; I’m sure this display looked fresher early in the week.)

I adore how the Manzanita branch was spray painted to look like bronze here.

A very literal interpretation:

I will be attending the 2009 Bouquets to Art next week. You get exactly one guess what I'll be posting about next week.


  1. I love the first one and the last one best I think.

  2. Thank you for your kind comments! I really enjoy your bouquet art pictures.. it really makes me long for spring to come to winter weary boston!

  3. I love this post even more than the last. My favorites here are the colored foam (wow) and the one following, the grass vase grouping. That is just stunning!

    But they're each so cool. Such innovation and ingenuity is inspiring.

  4. Oh, my word! The first photo. It's... impressive! I don't know whether it is a 'Primitive Explosion' or not, but it is a fantastic work of art. Many thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  5. Dear Jemm,
    My favorite is the first one with the second one as the runner up.

    Dear Jason,
    Thanks for dropping by. Perhaps you are enjoying the weather here during your spring break?

    Dear Ruth,
    I thought 2008 was better than 2007 also. i can't wait to see this year's!

    Dear Cuban,
    Even though it was not the most colorful, it had an arresting presence.

  6. Thanks for posting these images for those of us who get to admire only from afar!

  7. Ummmm...Let's see.... You'll be posting about candy??

    Eye candy??

    OK. I adore the calla lilies one - such a serene, ladylike interpretation of the sculpture. I do love sculpture.

    I also like the last, and very literal one. Number two photograph - not so much.

  8. Dear Paris,
    Maybe you can come to SF next March?

    Dear Relyn,
    I love hearing everyone's favorites because we are all so different. I happen to love the second one and almost made it the feature photo. The last one - not so much (too literal for my taste).

  9. Bouquets To Arts 2009 had a student competition where the students had to make "floral dresses".
    Check them out here.

  10. Dear Anonymous,
    I saw those floral dresses; they were very impressive. Did you make the silver grey protea dress featured on your blog? It's stunning!

    I haven't even begun the post for 2009 Bouquets to Art yet. Maybe in the next week or so.

  11. Hello~
    I just received a google alert about bouqets to art and it lead me here and you have a fabulous blog. :)
    I did make the protea dress, however, I'm not anonymous, hehe, but I thank "them" for linking me. Wasn't the gala night just great?
    Anyhow, you have great pictures and I love your post on the Flower Market, I always spend more time than I intend to there :P

  12. Dear Bree,
    Thank you! The protea dress was impressive - so well constructed. I loved the gala night so much that now I'm concerned that I'll want to go every year.

    In my opinion, The Flower Mart is one of the most magical places in the bay area.

    Welcome to dutchbaby!

  13. Hi Dutchbaby!
    I was so amazed on your blog photos.

    I was also impressed on how you described.

    I cannot say one of them I like most, because designs has great and unique impact.

    This is my first time seen a colored floral many colors are available??

    I am also a freelance florist.
    Hope we can exchange links.


  14. Dear Weng,
    Thanks for visiting one of my archive posts.

    The floral foam, by Oasis, comes in seven colors:

    Good luck with your next floral event!
