
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Underwater Astonishments by David Gallo

Image from here.

Over the past few years I’ve been sent various links from TED. TED is a Technology, Entertainment and Design organization whose mission is to give millions of knowledge-seekers around the globe direct access to the world's greatest thinkers and teachers.

This one, sent by my in-laws, is one of my favorites – please be sure to watch all the way to the end because there is one squid that is truly impressive. Enjoy!


  1. That was the coolest thing! I am definitely going to hunt down that website and mark it as a favorite place and send it to my children also! Thank you!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can get lost on that website for a very long time...

  3. OH! I just love TED! I gotta go and watch this. Happy weekend.

  4. Dear Relyn,
    I hope you enjoyed the video! I love hearing the passion in the voice of this great scientist.
