
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boulange de Cole Valley


Ever since my mother got sick last year, she has needed a little more help around her apartment building. Though she is doing remarkably well for being 83, my sister and I help her get the apartments ready for lease and we help her select the next tenants. Whenever I have to drive up to San Francisco to hold an open house, deliver a light fixture, or meet the electrician, I know that I have a big reward waiting for me at the end of my errand. Located just a short walk away at Cole and Parnassus is Boulange de Cole Valley.

The aroma of coffee and freshly baked goods greets me as I walk into this bustling, warm place filled with the neighborhood clientele.

If I have to hurry back home, I go for one of the Grab & Go baguette sandwiches.

But if I have time, I will have them heat up a savory croissant or quiche, or I will order a  fresh salad from the chalkboard menu.

And if I’m feeling luxurious, I treat myself to dessert

I always feel so loved when I see their self-serve counter. Who else offers Nutella and cornichons as every day condiments?


The food is always scrumptuous and the atmosphere is warm and inviting, but most of all, they were incredibly kind to my mother when she was sick last year, and for that I will always be grateful to them.

If you are in the Cole Valley neighborhood, please don’t miss this San Francisco treat!


  1. Someone brought Paris to SF, and I wish it was closer to me. I would heat up one of those tarts, yum. And macarons! Ah, everything is at its loveliest lined up behind glass, ready for choosing. I can understand treating yourself to this each visit.

    Mmm, loved this.

  2. I do not know this Boulange de Cole Valley, but it certainly looks like a French boulangerie-patisserie. I’ll make a note of it for our trip to SF. Luckily here in little Marietta, GA, we have our French boulangerie-patisserie, called Douceur de France. They have the best petits pains au chocolat and great sandwich-baguette. They are a couple from Bretagne, La Rochelle I think and every one there speaks French. I like to go there because I don’t know any French people here in town, but when I walk in the shop I only speak French, it’s real neat.

  3. How can I thank you for the 15lbs I just gained reading this post and looking at pictures.
    Yum! (That's French for YUM!) ;-)


  4. i guess it isn't possible to try every single scrumptious cafe in SF but i would have liked to try. this one especially!

  5. Oh, damn you, duthcbaby! I just had my breakfast and now I am craving those croissants :-)! Do you know that when I read the novel Chocolat' I used to have a croissant every day with my morning coffee? I did it unconsciously. As you are well aware because I have mentioned it many times San Francisco is one of two places in the States I must visit before I die, the other one being New York and this cafe is already on my list. Many thanks and next time put a warning at the beginning: 'This post will make you hungry' :-D.

    Greetings from London.

  6. I am super bummed that we didn't get here last week. Oh well, I guess that means we'll just have to come back. SOON!

  7. Dear Ruth,
    It really is like a tiny Paris. Their pain-au-chocolat is to die for! Loads of high-quality chocolate inside.

    Dear Vagabonde,
    You are blessed to have a genuine French bakery nearby. We have one in Palo Alto called Douce France. Sweet France indeed!

    Dear Kris,
    I'm with you! I treat Nutella as a food group; it must be enjoyed every day to stay healthy!

    Dear CC,
    Imagine how much I gain from eating these treats. I'm so glad this place an hour away from me.

    Dear paris parfait,
    You miss San Francisco - I miss Paris. Sigh.

    Dear robin bird,
    I'm so sorry that you had to circle the neighborhood for parking instead of sipping a hot chocolate with whipping cream here.

    Dear Cuban,
    You make me laugh, Cuban! I hope to remember to post a warning next time :-D!

    Dear Relyn,
    I guess so ;-)
