
Monday, May 3, 2010

Macro Monday - Mmmmmm?

DSC06805_0566 Macro Monday

See more Macro Mondays here at Lisa's Chaos.


  1. Hi dear Dutchbaby!
    i was going to say the same...forks ?
    quite intriguing really..

    Love the black and white wedding below!

  2. Not forks eh? Gotta be spoons then. Surely?! :D

  3. Dear Dutch B.
    Beautiful photograph.
    Have a Bon Temps!
    In case you do not already know:
    Check out:
    Pied Nu (great shop with gifts, home furnishings and clothing) and The Bead Shop on Magazine.
    And if you have time, Herb Saint for din din. Next time I'll meet you there!

  4. Tis forks, I believe! What a great shot! I love it.

    But, my goodness, if those are forks, you must have BIG dinner parties! LOL!

  5. I was going to say spoons too. At the wedding? :)

    Love the shot, so intriguing.

  6. Spoons so organized. I never think about photographing spoons and utensils, but so lovely.

  7. That was my guess too when I saw the picture: forks all lined up! Beautiful macro!

  8. I stack of spoons? I think it makes a great design. :)

  9. don't you love that one fork that's gotten itself out of alignment?
    thanks, Dutchbaby..

  10. Thank you, Everyone, I guess my puzzle was not so difficult. Either that or Miss Footloose gave everyone a great head start! Forks was very close, but Susan said it the best: "Wedding spoons spooning!" I spotted these spoons at the desserts table of the Black & White Wedding of the previous posts. I am in New Orleans right now, so I cannot post the panned out version of the photo yet.

    Speaking of New Orleans, thank you Constance for your excellent tips. Each one was outstanding!

    And melissashook, why does it not surprise me that you love the outlier in the group :)

  11. I was going to say, "Are those spoons?" But, then I read the comment. I like your title, Wedding Spoons, Spooning.
