
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Between Posts - New Orleans Style

20100507_0710 between posts

20100507_0709 Between Posts
Telephone pole on Magazine Street in New Orleans, Louisiana

Taking my summer break from blogging now. I will be publishing pre-scheduled posts in the next few weeks.

Enjoy the summer!

Inspired by Macro Monday at Lisa's Chaos.


  1. Now that's a gorgeous shot, and intriguing too! I'm guessing it's used a lot for posting notices or adverts?

    Excellent MM post!

  2. What a fascinating shot. Love it!

  3. The first shot is the best. I'd sure hate to climb that pole. OUch

  4. I have never been to New Orleans...definitely on my bucket list of places to go!

    I love this...very unique and so much to see! Every time I look at these again I see something new! Fun!

  5. I've never seen anything like it before!

  6. That's a lot of staples! how come they are not removed ?

  7. Wow! What a neat shot! Who would have thought that all those staples and nails could become such a lovely composition!

  8. Great eye to catch the photo in the pole.

  9. Great composition and the pole sure looks different, stylig? ;-)

  10. This is from leftovers of people posting flyers on the pole!! It's amazing. I think this is the most unique photo....ever!!

    Here's an invitation to visit CRYSTAL for Macro Monday. Hope to see you stop by sometime.

  11. Oh! I didn't know you take a summer break from blogging. Good for you.

    What a creative telephone pole piece of work.

  12. Enjoy every minute of your break, DB. Knowing you, you'll come back with incredible stories and images to this pole in New Orleans!

  13. nice image, Dutchbaby
    have a good summer break...

  14. Hope you're having a great summer! It looks like that post has seen a LOT of action!!

  15. I am going through your last posts -
    I did not know of the very pretty white Matilija poppy, your pictures of it are excellent.
    I have never tasted the Poffertjes but looking at your last photograph … I am tempted to go to Holland. Actually we are going to change plane in Amsterdam on our return from Oslo next month– I wonder if they sell these at the airport?
    It is good that Holland made it to the finals. I just read that Holland is one of the countries were people are very happy, so the article remarked that the people there would not be too upset about Spain winning. But Spain does not have a very happy populace, so after a while they will go back to their gloom…
    I liked your picture of the elephants in your post about the crocodile. For so many of my trips I had my old film camera and now when I look at the pictures, or slides, they are just not very good compared to those I take now with my digital camera. I saw many elephants in Thailand, but have hardly a good picture of them.

    I like that you place pictures between posts. If I don’t have time to write posts ahead of my trip, I think I’ll do the same and post some pictures, or postcards.

    I just saw your reply – I also take “epic” as a nice nod of approval. Thank you.

  16. Awesome photo! It made me laugh! I think you should make this "between posts" a regular feature, but not if it means you will be gone more often. :)

    Have a lovely break!

  17. Perfect macro! I love phone poles and trees like this.

  18. Dear jay,
    Yes, it is one of many telephone poles on Magazine Street in New Orleans that have worked hard as billboards for the community.

  19. Dear dawn,
    Thank you and welcome to dutchbaby!

  20. Dear awarewriter,
    I like the first shot best also. I provided the second one to give perspective.

  21. Dear tammymcchesney,
    I had trouble deciding which telephone pole to choose. I hope you make it to New Orleans some day soon. It's a fantastic town.

  22. Dear Jama,
    I'm afraid if they remove the staples, the telephone pole would implode. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  23. Dear Colleen,
    Thank you, I was quite intrigued by them. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  24. Dear michael,
    Thanks, I thought it would be a good edition for my "Between Posts" series. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  25. Dear Christina, sweden,
    I love unintentional urban art. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  26. Dear Christina, sweden,
    I love unintentional urban art. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  27. Dear mrsnesbitt,
    It was a fantastic break, thank you. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  28. Dear HOOTIN' ANNI,
    Why thank you, that's a very nice compliment!

  29. Dear Ruth,
    Yes - must recharge my batteries.

  30. Dear Ginnie,
    We did enjoy our vacation, especially Oslo. I don't know how good my images are this time; I was learning a new camera.

  31. Dear janis,
    Thanks. Your popcorn plant is very interesting also. Welcome to dutchbaby!

  32. Dear melissashook,
    Yes, we had a great summer break. Thanks!

  33. Dear lisaschaos,
    Yes, I would say it rivals your posts on Macro Monday :)

  34. Dear Vagabonde,
    The Matilija poppy is one of my favorites.

    I tried to look up poffertjes at Schiphol, but I came up empty. I did however find a pannekoeken (Dutch pancake) restaurant less than 15 minutes from the airport.

    Boerderij Meerzicht
    Koenenkade 56
    1081 KG Amsterdam
    Telefoon: 020 679 27 44

    I'm not surprised that the Dutch are considered some of the happiest people on earth. I believe their secret is that they are content with what they have. In that spirit, I will say that I am thrilled that The Netherlands made it to the semi-finals.

    One of these days I will do a full-blown post on the elephants I saw in Africa. It would be a time-consuming one and I haven't made the time to write it yet.

    I'm impressed with the posts you pre-wrote before your trip. They are much more ambitious than my simple "Between Posts" photos.

    I see that you leave "epic" comments too, Vagabonde :)

  35. Dear Susan,
    Thank you for making this series more than just a private joke. I see that you are on blogger break too. Have a great time! Come back when you are ready; I will be waiting.

  36. Dear Relyn,
    Thank you! I hope you get a great classroom this year!

  37. Dear rochambeau,
    I will be back to Magazine Street next week!
