
Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Kiss

Image from here.

Congratulations to Prince William and Princess Kate!

Update: Oops, she was not given the title of Princess because she was not born into the royal  family, nor did she marry the heir to the throne. Prince Charles is next in line.

Congratulations to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge!

Oh my, they don't even sound married here - not very symmetric.

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

But we're used to calling him Prince William, and this sounds like a demotion for him. Buckingham Palace stated "If people wanted to call Catherine 'Princess', they were welcome to do so." Well then:

Congratulations to Prince William and Princess Catherine!

I like the sound of that! Read more about their titles here.


  1. Yes! Congratulations!!
    Have a great weekend Dutchbaby!


  2. OMG, DB. At first I thought maybe you took this...until I saw your link. I've just spent 5+ hours glued to the TV today, watching both kisses, along with everything else. What a day to remember!

  3. I was up live-blogging at 2 AM California time -- I enjoyed every minute of it.

  4. Got to love the little girl in the corner!

  5. Dear Constance,
    As you can see I updated the post to correct its only line. Weren't they a fairy tale couple?

  6. Dear Ginnie,
    I wish! My mother got to see QEII get crowned over fifty years ago. She loves telling the story of how she hired a babysitter, which was a rare luxury. She stood on queue for many hours but got a very good front view of the queen.

    I watched one hour of the pomp and circumstance so far and I will watch the rest with my daughter after this weekend.

  7. Dear Elise,
    I loved reading your color commentary of this great occasion. Thank you.

  8. Dear EG Wow,
    Yes, the part I saw was great fun!

  9. That was quite the merry-go-round you just spun us on! :) I believe Prince Charles also has several other titles bestowed upon him by the Queen as well. Princess Catherine seems lovely in temperament as well as in her appearance. I DVR'd the whole thing and watched about an hour total. Love fast forward.

  10. Dear lisa,
    Yes, she was. She's a beautiful non-bride too.

  11. Dear Kala,
    Did you get any ideas for your upcoming wedding?

  12. Dear bettyl,
    I'm so glad you noticed her. You are the first one to comment about this sweet girl. I understand she's become quite the internet sensation.

  13. Dear Susan,
    I know it was a bit silly, but I couldn't leave my error uncorrected.

    DVR is definitely the way to go!
