
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Subway Tiles at the Museum of Natural History

When we were in New York this summer, we spent a lot of time in subway stations. Yes, it was hot, muggy and not exactly aromatic, but the subway system is an impressive labyrinth that is the most economic way to travel in Manhattan and it can often get you to your destination faster than if you traveled the surface streets.

People-watching on the subways is immensely interesting,and often entertaining, but my favorite thing about the New York subway system is the tile design. We had a particularly long wait at the 81st Street Station after my kids and I spent the afternoon at the Museum of Natural History.

I amused myself, and those who observed me, by taking a picture of every animal mosaic I could find at the station. My teenage kids were horrified to be seen with their loony mother who was obsessed with, of all things, tiles. Here are some samples of those tiles:

You can find more on my flickr account here. Which is your favorite?


  1. That is completely cool! I love it! My favorite is the bat. Look at that mischievous expression. I know she's planning something devilishly fun.

  2. It makes a huge difference. I wish the tube (that's what we call the 'subway' here in GB) was as interesting. I've heard that the one in Moscow is visually impressive. Lovely images.

    Greetings from London.

  3. I love all of them but the butterfly is the one I would like to bring closer to me :-)

  4. Amusing ! and same as Edi..the butterfly is my favorite...

  5. Dear Relyn,

    Ha ha, I didn't notice that until you pointed it out! Now I wonder what's she's hiding under those wings...

    Dear Cuban,
    I've ridden your tube and your famous double-decker buses. I'd like to go back soon! Never been to Moscow - it's on my bucket list.

    Dear Edi,
    The butterfly is wonderful. It reminds me that the very first oral report I ever did in America was on the Monarch butterfly. I pronounced Monarch with a soft "ch", like in chair, for the entire report. The teacher had to kick two boys out of class because they were laughing so hard. People still laugh at me, but for different reasons now.

    Dear My Castle In Spain,
    I'm honored that a Blogger of Note has come to visit! Congratulations! I love the butterfly and its huge larva, directly above it, also!

  6. These are all SO beautiful. I love the caterpillar and butterfly best. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Dear Jemm,
    Caterpillar! That's the word I was trying to think of. I kept calling it larva; accurate, but so painfully geeky. Thanks!

  8. How did I miss this post? Wonderful stuff.
    This is one of my favorite museums, having done
    all sorts of research here and I always take the subway from Penn Station.

    OXO, CC

  9. Thanks for rooting around to find it. I love this museum too - its architecture, its specimens and how they are presented with so much heart.
