Monday, December 21, 2009

Macro Monday - Winter Berries

DSC03194 winterberry detail banner

Wreath detail: Eucalyptus seeds, California bay laurel, privet, chinaberry, tallow berry, pyracantha

Happy holidays to Lisa  and all other Macro Monday participants and thank you for making another Macro Monday possible.


villager said...

Beautiful wreath and a lovely photo subject!

Müge said...

Words are not enough to express the beauty of this photo! I write what I sincerely feel! I'm glad I've discovered your blog! Merry Christmas!

Jientje said...

The florist in me likes that wreath, and the photographer in me thinks you made a perfect macro!

Johnny Nutcase said...

what a beautiful wreath! Did you make it? great photo of the details too!

Anonymous said...

I love the format and vibrant colors.

SquirrelQueen said...

So very beautiful, the mix of colors is fantastic. You have a wonderful blog.
The Road to Here

Unknown said...

SO many beautiful colors of berries! The wreath is wonderful!

jay said...

What a wonderful wreath! And a great subject for Macro Monday!

Colleen said...

Gorgeous wreath and gorgeous picture!

Dutchbaby said...

Dear villager,
Thank you for your kind words and for visiting dutchbaby. I loved reading about your Happy Acres!

Dear Müge,
I am humbled by your comment, especially because you have considerable talent. Welcome to dutchbaby!

Dear Jientje,
A florist and photographer paying my blog a visit? How great is that? Thank you!

Dear Johnny Nutcase,
I did not make this beautiful wreath. They sell these at the SF Flower Mart every Christmas. Thank you for your visit. You have my son's dream job.

Dutchbaby said...

Dear awarewriter,
Thank you, Sir. I cropped the photo for a banner and decided I liked this format better than the original.

Dear SquirrelQueen,
I'm glad you like this wreath. They always do such a great job at the flower mart. I like the wreath with the red Santa on your blog too.

Dear lisaschaos,
I love to seeds of all sorts and to see so many all in one place makes me happy. Thank you, Lisa, for hosting Macro Mondays. I've met so many wonderful bloggers in only a few posts! Happy holidays to you!

Dutchbaby said...

Dear jay,
This wreath looks good on any door! I loved the subject of your Macro Monday this week!

Dear Colleen,
Thank you for your nice comment and for visiting dutchbaby.

Dear paris parfait,
Thank you, Tara. Joyeux Noël!

melissashook said...

Now Macro Monday sounds interesting! What is it?

Dutchbaby said...

Lisa at hosts Macro Monday every week. She invites participants to post a macro (or any close-up)photo on their blog and then register the link at her blog. I've only done it a handful of times but I've truly enjoyed this Monday community.

I bet you have some great close-ups to share.

Relyn Lawson said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. I can feel another Moo card coming on.

Dave said...

Great photo DB - I love the colours and textures of the berries, very seasonal.



melissashook said...

Dutchbaby, I had taken off my photographer's hat entirely and wasn't thinking macro lens...

Ruth said...

These colors together drive me wild!

Dutchbaby said...

Dear Relyn,
Ha, you are a smart one! This did make a moo card. I liked it so much that I decided to post it in that format.

Dear Dave,
Thank you! I love how you spell "colours" to remind me that you are up there in Canada.

Dear mellissashook,
This tells me that mind was clearly elsewhere. Could it have been on macrobiotic food?

Dear Ruth,
They always make the most gorgeous wreaths with fantastic color combinations at the flower mart.

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