Yesterday überblogger tangobaby was bestowed a great honor: her blog was named Blog of Note by Google's Blogger team. I don't know anyone more deserving. This is a huge deal, she was named right there on the same page as Linus Torvalds’ blog. Linus Torvalds is a rock star in the geek world; he is the founder and chief architect of Linux. He gathered no less than 1656 followers since his first post on October 2nd.
I met tangobaby 3 years ago when she still lived here in Palo Alto. She started her blog when she moved to San Francisco, a few months after she discovered the world of tango down here at Stanford. I knew nothing about the blogging world, I just loved the engaging way she shared her passion for dance:
her unabashed love for food, even if it's not the most nutritious:
her passion for classic movies:
and how she recounted all her San Francisco adventures with her beautiful photos:
It didn't take long for me to get reeled into tb's world. We share a lot of the same passions so the inevitable time came when I wanted to come out of the shadows of lurkerdom and leave a comment. When faced with the option of using my real name (thanks, but no thanks), an anonymous note (too cowardly), or a pseudonym (interesting idea), I had to come up with a name. I looked at the top of the comment screen and saw the tangobaby heading. Hm, that might work. I'm only one fourth Dutch but I liked the dutchbaby pun. I had no idea that this moniker would stick!
After a while leaving comments wasn't enough, I started feeding tb ideas for her blog and the inescapable time came when tb put her foot down and said: "Get your own damn blog!" She was right of course. So on June 4th of this year, I took the plunge . Then was faced with the next challenge: what should I use for my profile photo? Fortunately, I remembered that tb posted a very cute photo on my birthday last year. Perfect!
I feel so grateful to have been introduced to the fantastic world of blogging, which is so brilliant at bringing like-minded folks together, and to become part of this community of kindred spirits, all because of my friend tb!
I congratulate and thank you, tangobaby! You have been more than an inspiration to me, you opened up a whole new world for me!
Thanks for introducing me to your friend - I'll be checking out her blog asap..!
I'm sure she deserves this great honour - hope you have a great w/end..:)
dear dutchbaby, thank you for this lovely recap of our history, and I'm so glad that you've been inspired to start your own lovely blog. Even if I did stamp my feet.
I think you've got even more to share with the world than I do!
It is a whole new world, isn't it? Tangobaby was my first blog friend. I've been so blessed to know her. Through her, I've met you and Madam Swell and many more. TB is a wonderful blogger and a generous friend. I've been so excited for her. This is a lovely tribute, dear one.
Dear Here, There,
I know you will not be disappointed.
Dear tb,
Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement.
Dear Relyn,
Isn't it exciting that we now have a celebrity in our midst?
I love the blogging world and try to teach non-bloggers about it all the time....but I usually just get a blank stare shortly into my story about how I couldn't live without my blogging friends and soon after that their eyes start to glaze over and I then realize that you either get it or you don' glad that you do !!!!
TB was my first blogger friend as well. What a lovely little group she's created, subtly introducing us, hmm? She's a treasure in so many ways!
Well, then, this is a double thank, to you and to TB. To TB for introducing you to the lovely world of the blogosphere. And to you for your lovely posts on art, sightseeing and culture.
Well done and keep it up!
Greetings from London.
PS: For many months now I have thought that the girl in your profile pic was you as a toddler. Ha, how wrong I was!
Dear Beth,
I know what you mean. My teenage daughter thinks my blogging is very sketchy and likes to say that she has "real" friends. It's not important to me that she understands. I know I am truly enjoying this new world.
Dear Red Shoes,
Yes indeed! She is a treasure of delight!
Dear Cuban,
What a lovely compliment! Thank you so much! I would like to thank you for introducing me to your world of music, food, and Cuban culture!
PS: Ha ha, fooled you!
Dear Paris,
Naughty and lovable! Pleasure to "meet" you too! I adore your blog; your photos are fantastic!
I love your story! I can't believe you've only been doing this since June! Aren't you happy you "took the plunge"?!
Love the picture of the "real" dutch baby! :)
Dear Susan,
Thank you for travelling all the way back here to read my story (and tangobaby's). I have been doing this since June of 2007 minus a four month hiatus I took early in my blogging life.
Yes, I'm very happy I took the plunge; it's been a terrific creative outlet for me and it introduced me to many great men and women like you.
I love the original Dutchbaby too but I wish I knew who owned the image so that I could give proper attribution.
the owner
Dear Susan,
Correction: I started blogging in June of 2008.
SO happy you landed in blogland Dutch baby!!!
That I got to meet you~
Dear rochambeau,
What a wonderful world this is. I am so happy to have met you too, Constance. Thank you for going the extra mile by reading this post.
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