We saw it from across the room, drawn to the billowing spheres of baby's breath (gypsophila) puffing above the train. The cars rolling across the rust tracks...
... filled with exotic riches from around the world: leucadendron from Down Under, orchids from the Orient, roses from Europe, with purple artichokes, sunflowers (sans yellow petals), and fiddlehead ferns from our own West Coast.

Pico Soriano submitted yet another whimsical arrangement for Bouquets to Art 2011. See his 2010 entry here and the one from 2009 here.


...from all angles.
While Pico's arrangement could be appreciated from afar, Fantasy Florals' understated piece invited closer attention...
...from all angles.

I was convinced that De Voy Designs was interpreting a tiny red portion of Richard Diebenkorn's Seawall...

...but Stephanie set me straight and told me that Kiwi DeVoy paired her pave arrangement with Jay DeFeo's Mountain No. 2

For all you Macro Monday lovers, here is a close-up of the red amaryllis, white odontoglossum orchids and black aeonium succulents.

It is difficult to decide whether Alena Jean Whiting's beautifully-proportioned abstract accessorizes Mark Rothko's Untitled (1949)...

...or whether it inhabits it. Remarkable.

Splash Events' decision to use spider orchids was stellar.

My mother's favorite entry was Pat Friday's rich interpretation of Surface of the Moon

The interplay of textures and the restrained palette had many of us in awe of Friday's work of art. See more of the impressive mechanics here.

Michael Daigian interpreted a crater here on Planet Earth, specifically Michael Light's Mono Craters 07.17.06 #10, taken near Yosemite National Park.

I sat next to Michael and his lovely wife on the shuttle bus. He told me that they had just returned from Hawaii and was inspired by the volcanic lava on the Big Island.

I will close with the newest work of art I covered in this mini-series of Bouquets to Art 2011. Peggy O'Neill did an admirable job extending Rupert Garcia's Obama from Douglass, 2010.

Please visit Lisa's Chaos to view many beautiful Macro Monday photos.