William Carlos Williams
so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Lovely Tara of Paris Parfait sent me an invitation to join the Flickr group Earth Mosaic 2009. Members of the groups are asked to submit a photo on Earth Day, April 22nd from where ever in the world you may be. Tara submitted two great iconic images of Paris. I chose to use a local photo taken right here in Palo Alto. Our friend James Witt is a homebuilder here in town who lives in a neighborhood called Barron Park, where his garden is adorned with objects he found on the properties he purchases.
It seems that every lot he buys has at least one leftover wheelbarrow. Rather than tossing them in our overflowing dumps, he leans them in an elegant, purposeful manner against his garden fence.

His tool shed is a still life composed of old tools and other curiosities. It would be nice to sit around a campfire, and listen to tunes strummed on the old guitar. Imagine the stories the tools could tell of their life's accomplishments before their well-earned retirement.

James placed these bottles on this beautiful flatbed cart precisely where they can catch afternoon sun.
Update: Thank you , James for telling us that this is a 1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster.
What I appreciate most is how James gives real meaning to the phrase “trash to treasure”. Is there a better way to celebrate Earth Day?
* Many thanks to George of Transit Notes for posting the wonderful poem by William Carlos Williams!
* Many thanks to George of Transit Notes for posting the wonderful poem by William Carlos Williams!