Friday, October 17, 2008

Oma on the Mend

Before I continue with more eye-candy from the this year's quilt festival, I forgot to share the fantastically wonderful news about my mother. She is much, much better! I attribute her healing to all of you who have prayed for her and kept her in your thoughts since April 22nd. She is fifty pounds lighter, which I'm sure aided her healing, and 90 percent better. She is off all her meds except for one half tablet of one drug per day. These months have been very challenging for our entire family and we all appreciate your support!

The quilt featured here is one Oma made in 2003; it was selected to be shown at the Pacific International Quilt Festival that year. My daughter was 12 years old and going through a serious butterfly phase at the time:

The tulips are of course a nod to Oma's Dutch roots:

She was particularly proud of the scalloped edging, made of patched strips of fabric.

The machine quilting was done by a professional quilter. I will post her name as soon as possible.
Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you, one thousand thank yous!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness your momma was amongst the best of the best in 2003! the colors are beautiful. i am also glad to hear she is taking good care of herself.

Dutchbaby said...

Dear Paris Parfait,

Welcome to my blog! Thank you for your sentiment, we are all thrilled!

Dear Robin Bird,

I love the Caribean color theme as well. This is quite a departure for her as you will see in future posts about my mother's quilts.

Fortunately, my mother vowed to never gain back the weight she lost:)

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, your mom has some talent. Of course, I was so glad when I heard that she was on the mend.

Dutchbaby said...

Dear relyn,
I will be sharing more of Oma's quilts in the future. We are all thrilled with my mother's recovery!

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