Monday, June 1, 2009

San Francisco Decorator Showcase 2009 - Part IV

Did you have a good time riding up and down the elevator  from my last post about the San Francisco Decorator Showcase? It’s time to continue the tour of the second level. 
The Teenage Daughter’s Bedroom is right behind the elevator. My teenage daughter would kill for this room designed by Palmer Weiss. With a room like this, she may never emerge. She would love the girly but not sugary colors:
DSC05764 SF Decorator Showcase Teenage Daughter's Room

She would be crazy for this luxurious canopy:
DSC05775 SF Decorator Showcase Teenage Daughter's Room
 … the great fabric choices and the beautiful Parisian color photograph:
DSC05765 SF Decorator Showcase Teenage Daughter's Room

 She would love spending hours putting on her make up and blow drying her hair in Nancy Van Natta’s bathroom.
DSC05773 SF Decorator Showcase Teenage Girl's <st1:city w:st=
On the other side of the elevator is the guest room. Sorry, I don’t have any photos of this room, but I did photograph the adjoining Guest Bath, designed by Lynn Amon. It is sheer elegance with the fancy carved wooden Chinoiserie mirror and light fixture that looks like a sea urchin but is reminiscent of a Chinese lantern .
On the other side of the elevator is the guest room. Sorry, I don’t have any photos of this room, but I did photograph the adjoining Guest Bath, designed by Lynn Amon. It is sheer elegance with the fancy carved wooden Chinoiserie mirror and light fixture that looks like a sea urchin but is reminiscent of a Chinese lantern .
  DSC05758 SF Decorator Showcase Guest Bath
Everyone loved the wallpaper and I heard a couple of people talk about how impractical it was to have fabric wallpaper in a bathroom. When I read the information book, I learned that this is not wallpaper but stenciled orchids that were then over-painted for a faux-linen finish. Amazing. 
DSC05759 SF Decorator Showcase guest bath wallpaper
 Now come down the hallway to the Master Bedroom. Cecilie Starin designed a luxurious retreat of elegance. A giant Chinese screen lined the wall behind the four-poster bed:
 DSC05786 SF Decorator Showcase Master Bedroom
 An intricate Chinoiserie mirror hangs over a perfectly accessorized tabletop:
 DSC05789 SF Decorator Showcase Master Bedroom
The opalescent hemp-sheathed antique-silver wall covering was just the right amount of bling without competing with the beautiful antiques in the room.
Directly next-door is His Sitting Room. Scheiber Design Group did a magnificent job in creating a space for the man of the house. The room has a classic streamlined style without the “hands-off” fussy feeling that the more formal rooms in the house possess.

 DSC05791 SF Decorator Showcase His Sitting Room

DSC05792 SF Decorator Showcase His Sitting Room
That’s all for today; next time we visit the penthouse and roof garden.


LoisW said...

Loved the girl's bedroom, but not sure about the hot pink... love the "his" sitting room, however. When do we move in?

Ruth said...

The best for me is the girl's bathroom: Those vases! (I want them.) The words in the ceiling border. The beady light fixtures. And is that girl's face neon in the wall hanging?

I'm not in love with the hot pink either, though.

Sherri said...

Love the bathroom with the orange unexpected!

Elizabeth said...


A Cuban In London said...

I chuckled at your comment that your teenage daughter would never emerge from a room like this. They are all the same, aren't they? Adolescents, that is. Many thanks for another fantastic tour with such magnificent photos.

Greetings from London.

Relyn Lawson said...

OH, I've been waiting for this. I love these kinds of posts. Of all that beauty, you know what I love most? The photographs in the girl's room. Do you know anything about them?

Dutchbaby said...

Dear MOWB,
I wouldn't want the hot pink for myself, but for a teenage girl...

If we each pitch in $5 million, it's ours!

Dear Ruth,
I want those vases too! And then I'd like some of your peonies :)

I'm so glad you noticed the border! It was beautiful!

The entire picture is a light box, if I recall correctly.

Dear P&C
You are so observant! I hadn't noticed that before. I was so enamored with the wall treatment.

Dear Elizabeth,
I agree!

Dear Cuban,
Teenage girls appear to be identical, no matter where in the world. Thank you!

Dear Relyn,
I will see what I can find out about them. I was crazy for the photos too. Especially the one with the girl in the white dress at the pastry shop.

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